Facebook work-arounds

Dean of Swinburne Research and Dev, Lisa M Given, in The Conversation suggests some straightforward ways to fill the gap left by Facebook restrictions:

  • Sign up to Australian news organisations’ websites, apps and print subscriptions
  • Use non-Australian news organisations’ apps and websites
  • Use other social media platforms, such as Twitter, that feature Australian news.

There are also some craftier strategies you can use to get around the restrictions, including:

  • scrolling through content on international organisations’ Facebook pages (such as www.facebook.com/nytimes) while not logged into your account
  • accessing Facebook subpages (such as www.facebook.com/nytimesscience) while logged into your account; these appear not to be affected by the ban in the same way as the organisations’ main Facebook pages
  • taking photos and screenshots of sources to share on Facebook, instead of direct links
  • asking friends, family and others overseas to send articles via email or messaging services.

Let us know if you found other work-arounds.

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

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