See here for our Election 2022 plans on:

Standing with First Nations


Income support

Reducing gambling harm

Transport plans

Policy objectives:

To ensure governments provide and support essential services that foster a stable and cohesive society with equal opportunity in health, education and employment for the enrichment of an inclusive and prosperous community.

Australia has become a more fragmented society over the past 30 years, we have had 26 years of economic growth but our communities have not necessarily improved. We recognise our biological destiny as social creatures – people who need each other; people for whom a sense of belonging is fundamental to our well-being; people who utterly rely on communities to define us, sustain us and protect us.

The Australian Democrats will support legislation that:

  • builds communities that are more tolerant, compassionate and mutually respectful
  • reduces unemployment as Australia’s highest social priority
  • ensures every child living in Australia has the right to have their fundamental needs met and to live freely and securely within a society that values and protects them
  • creates more urban and suburban third spaces to help bring neighbourhoods back together
  • increases people’s involvement within the local community, the better world starts in your street, your family and your workplace
  • ensures federal policies and funding devolves from centrally controlled programs down to the community with a clear set of outcomes and conditions
  • finds and supports solutions for Australia’s epidemic of mental illness
  • ensures equitable access to housing for all Australians, and improves public spaces
  • invests in public transport and urban infrastructure, as it plays an important role in minimising the cost of congestion and maximising economic productivity
  • protects freedom of religion, while observing and maintaining the separation of religious organisations and the state
  • recognises and supports a multicultural society which values all those who live in Australia, to be part of a strong, safe, harmonious and prosperous nation and assists those new to Australia with community support
  • recognises the breadth of Australia’s heritage and all aspects of our history
  • continues to work for a community which supports harmony, the elimination of prejudice and the combating of discrimination
  • supports maximum participation in community life for those who are elderly or have a disability
  • recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the rightful custodians of their cultures and should have a primary role in managing their heritage
  • supports the special obligation owed to veterans who served the nation in conflict

These policies were ratified by the members between the 15th – 28th of April, 2019. Australian Democrats policies are always subject to review – our policy volunteers consult with stakeholders outside the party, and members are strongly encouraged to participate by giving feedback at all stages of the policy process. If you have feedback or questions about our policies, contact us.

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