Australia’s politics have been a mess for quite a while. We want to fix that. You can help us by joining the Party.
We are young citizens from all walks of life, not bound by ideology, partisanship or factionalism. We are united by a common purpose – to make Australia better, for all of us. We are the alternative.

We’re the Young Democrats.
We’re dedicated to advancing the interests of the young people of Australia. We provide a youth perspective on policies and political issues that concern you, by listening, examining the evidence and talking to the experts. We’re dedicated to collaboration and discussions that promote understanding.
Our generation has experienced nothing but unstable, petty politics. I joined the Australian Democrats because we deserve better political discourse than the leadership power games, talking points and short term thinking the major parties have given us over the last 10 years.
James, NSW

Young Democrats members speak up and campaign on what concerns young people. We highlight issues, discuss problems, and propose solutions. Young Democrats members can help shape party positioning. We have a big stake in the future and in the Party direction.
We reach out to people like you, to hear what’s on your mind. Your ideas. Your concerns. Your vision. Because, it’s not politicians or lobbyists that ought to shape our future – it’s you.
I joined the Australian Democrats because I was looking for a balanced political choice with progressive ideas and no vested interests.
Emma, SA
We are different. We’re not your typical political party. We don’t have factions. You’re not just a number in someone else’s quest for power. You’re someone who’s got ideas. Unlike other parties – it’s not about who you know. When you become a member, you join a community of people who support one another. Our movement is grassroots.
If you are under 25 you can be a Member of the Party and the Young Democrats. You have full voting rights, can participate in policy forming, campaigning, and can run as a candidate. The annual membership fee is $25 or $10 for those on low incomes.
When you apply to join we will have a talk with you – make sure we are a good fit for one another.
It’s a big step into politics.
Not yet ready for that commitment? That’s fine by us. You can be an Young Support Member
You can join the conversation, come to events, learn about politics, help out.
Got any questions?
Drop us an email [email protected] and one of us will get back to you.