Govt. cuts budget scrutiny

Billions of dollars in government spending could go without scrutiny, after the Morrison Government slashed the Auditor General’s budget. The Government has quietly cut $14m from the operating budget of …

The budget deficit

The Morrison Government has handed down a budget they’ve called the most significant since WWII; except if you’re a woman, an unemployed person over the age of 35, an older …

Re-evaluating our economy

Despite recording 28 years of uninterrupted growth, it was already clear prior to the coronavirus pandemic that Australia’s economy was not working for everyone. In the last 20 years, manufacturing, as a percentage of GDP declined from 12% to 6%. Steel production …

Renewables drop off

At a time when we need private sector investment to fuel economic recovery, the Clean Energy Council warns that investment in renewables is falling off a cliff with the number of large-scale …